Welcome Maddie
With college just around the corner, we knew it was time for us to transition ALS Kids into the hands of someone new! Someone who would love it as much as we do and would be willing to put in the hard work that we have for the past 8 years.
And so, we are thrilled to introduce you to Maddie Kozak. Maddie lost her grandmother to ALS when she was only 6 years old. Since then, Maddie has hosted several lemonade stands, chili cook-offs, and volunteered at many ALS events in Western PA helping to raise money to support the cause. It seems only natural that Maddie steps into larger events like the ones ALS Kids has hosted and this is why she is the perfect successor!
ALS Kids has meant so much to us. Being able to provide for those living with ALS in our community has brought us much joy and immense pride. Honoring our grandparents' memory in this special way was an absolute gift. We will continue supporting and advocating for those living with ALS in our next chapter. We are excited to see how that will look as adults. Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way.
Please continue to support Maddie, as we will, as she takes over the reins of this non-profit that means the world to both of us.
Love, Maeve and Sydney
